Saturday, October 4, 2008


Our Crazy Busy Lives...
Wow! It's been awhile since I've updated you all... Well, we'll start with Logan turned 1 in May, I turned 27 in June... yikes.Blessings - there have been SOO many!

1. We were able to take a week long family vacation to Cape May, NJ... what an awesome time we had!

2. Some friends of ours GAVE us another car... one car is difficult, not impossible to do, but difficult. SO THANK YOU TERRI & PAUL.

3. Ryan had a successful surgery - tonsils, adenoids, tubes in ears.

4. Ryan is potty trained. (except at night he still has the diapers...)

5. Logan is walking, feeding himself with a spoon, and saying a few words like mama, dada, hi, ryan, doggy, night night, and bye.

6. I got a job! Pt to start, working up to full time. HUGE BLESSING!

7. An awesome christian childcare provider who truly loves my boys.

8. Joe turned 24... and the surprise party was a hit.

9. Our community group was able to meet through the summer and was a big blessing for us.

10. Someone gave Joe and I a 7day cruise as a GIFT! We will do that in April... yippee!

11. Heather also got a pt job at an ice cream shop through the summer before the new job started... it kept her sane before going back to work ft.

12. Joe has been able to be a part of his dad's life... very much needed.

13. We have been healthy all summer!
I know there is more than I can list here... but I wanted to share these especially. Will follow up with more randomness from Ryan...

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